Made with pastel, graphite powder, charcoal, oil paint, acrylic paint, q tips, wooden coffee stirrers, rubber bands, staples, a composition notebook, glitter, Pokémon cards, an Arizona iced tea can, headphones, a plastic bag, pumice gel (fine & coarse), plaster bandage, light modeling paste, watercolor paper, chipboard, cardboard and found wood. 93x81x4.” 2023.

Made with oil paint, acrylic paint, pastel, pencil, rubber bands, paper bags, light modeling paste, glass bead gel, chipboard, newspaper, paper towels, mirrored paper, sheer iridescent cellophane, yellow legal pad paper, an Altoids tin, paper clips, pipe cleaners, hot glue, regular gel matte/gloss, and wood glue on watercolor paper sewn onto mesh tarp. 88.75 x 66 x 2.” 2023.

Made with oil paint, yarn, laminating sheets, Halls cough drop wrappers, pipe cleaners, ribbon, a wristband, a steel rod, tissue paper watercolor paint, acrylic paint, glitter, a CD, an Arizona can, a pipe cleaner, YuGiOh cards, playing cards, Pokémon cards, broken earrings, and an Altoids tin on watercolor paper mounted to found wood. 63.4375 x 42.43 x 22.25.” 2022-2023.

Oil paint, acrylic paint, laminating sheets, vinyl, Walgreens bags, incense wrappers, and watercolor paper, adhered to shaped chipboard. Acrylic paint painted directly onto wall and floor. 101x110x6.5 inches. 2021-2022.

Oil paint, acrylic paint, laminating sheets, vinyl, Walgreens bags, incense wrappers, and watercolor paper, adhered to shaped chipboard. Acrylic paint painted directly onto wall and floor. 101x110x6 inches. 2021-2022.

Oil paint, acrylic paint, laminating sheets, vinyl, Walgreens bags, incense wrappers, and watercolor paper, adhered to shaped chipboard. Acrylic paint painted directly onto wall and floor. 101x110x6 inches. 2021-2022.

Oil paint, acrylic paint, laminating sheets, vinyl, Walgreens bags, incense wrappers, and watercolor paper, adhered to shaped chipboard. Acrylic paint painted directly onto wall and floor. 101x110x6 inches. 2021-2022.

Oil paint, acrylic paint, laminating sheets, vinyl, Walgreens bags, incense wrappers, and watercolor paper, adhered to shaped chipboard. Acrylic paint painted directly onto wall and floor. 101x110x6 inches. 2021-2022.

Oil paint, acrylic paint, charcoal, graphite, donated books and comics, metrocards, iridescent cellophane wrap, painter’s tape, stickers, cable locks, and a Gun Hill Brewery coaster on Arches watercolor paper adhered to shaped chipboard; Scrap wood, mesh wire, and glass mosaic tile; Acrylic paint on wall. 101x102.x11.” 2022.

Oil paint, acrylic paint, charcoal, laminating sheets, gold leaf, jewelry, pens, a composition notebook, fishing wire, iridescent cellophane wrap, light molding paste, and soft pastel on Arches watercolor paper; Soft pastel on wall. 101x84.” 2021.

Oil paint, acrylic paint, charcoal, laminating sheets, gold leaf, jewelry, pens, a composition notebook, fishing wire, iridescent cellophane wrap, light molding paste, and soft pastel on Arches watercolor paper; Soft pastel on wall. 101x84.” 2021.